When medicine first came into existence, medicines were very rare and doctors even rarer. It used to take hours and sometimes even days before the doctor could reach the patient, and in most cases, it was too late. After a couple of centuries, even though there was transport and more people came into the field, it still took time to reach the patient and there turned out to be more patients than doctors could handle at the time. Today, we have speed in transport, we have enough capable doctors to take care of patients, yet we find it so hard to get the attention of doctors because of their busy schedules. So what progress do we see in this issue. To an extent, there is a certain amount of progress, with telephones, internet and good transport, etc. But all these modern technologies still do not solve the problems that patients face in order to consult their doctors. The worst thing a patient has to do is to get a appointment and wait for hours before he/she can meet their doctor, just in order to ask to ask a small health related question. Or how about the struggle that doctors go through when they can’t find answers to help them treat their patients. They go through books and files and still find no solution.
For this very reason, a group of doctors, well trained in their own fields, came together in order to find an alternate solution to help both patients and doctors and in this way saving a lot of valuable time on both ends. This medical website is a source of much information for both patients and doctors. It is a place where doctors can sit down and talk to patients in a calm and hassle free environment and answer their questions. It is a place where doctors can discuss about the various health issues that affect man and come up with treatments to cure various diseases such as Adenocarcinoma of the Colon, Carcinoma of the Kidney, Prostatic Adenocarcinoma, Degenerative Eye Disease, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Retinopathy Diabetes, Stage IV Melanoma, Respiratory Insufficiency, Retinopathy Diabetes, Tumour in Lung, etc. All in all, Doctors medical opinion is a place where the gap between doctor and patient is broken, and doctors from around the world can come together to seek out solutions to help man live better and longer.
The website which provides a long list of diseases such as Adenocarcinoma of the Colon, Carcinoma of the Kidney, Prostatic Adenocarcinoma, Degenerative Eye Disease, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Retinopathy Diabetes, Stage IV Melanoma, Respiratory Insufficiency, Retinopathy Diabetes, Tumour in Lung, Diagnosis Parkinson, Treatment Myopia, Eutirox, Lower Back Pain Symptom, Diabetic Retinopathy Symptoms, Pet Scan Lung Cancer, etc also contains a number of case studies that correspond to those diseases, treatments, tests and symptoms. The website also gives a list of drugs (medicines) and information as to when and how to use it and for what purpose.
Most importantly, the answer to patients and doctors plights, an instant question – answer box. The box allows the user to type in any medical related question to which any doctor that is present online, will give a reply to instantly. There is no waiting period, no appointment – nothing. Just a question, that needs to be typed and an answer that will pop up almost instantly by expertise doctors from around the globe. And what’s more, you can get as many as replies possible from each of the doctors present online. Also, you can get in touch with your own doctors by simply typing in their name in another box provided below the question – answer box.
Doctor’s medical opinion - Bringing the medical world closer together.
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